Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Let the Purge Begin

 We've accumulated a TON of stuff in the last 15 years, so going from 1500 square feet to about 60 will require some purging.  This past Saturday, Greg and I had a garage sale to begin the purge process.  

It was VERY early..........

Getting rid of stuff you don't need or haven't used in a while can be liberating...

but sometimes it's difficult and painful, like tearing out a piece of your soul.
Good-bye, my loves

And sometimes, it's just fun to sell stuff.  Especially stuff that Greg MADE!!
He sold the cute statue in the middle.  It's a robot.....

.........here's a closer look.
After the garage sale, we went to a puppy party. 
They're just so cuuuuute! 

But no way can we adopt another dog.
We already have one too many four-legged friends around here.
We're actually trying to find a good home for Slinky, our cuddly little kitty.  
She thinks she's going on the trip.....

She REALLY likes the Tiger. 

 She's a super cool cat.  I wish she could go with us!!  

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