Saturday, February 25, 2012

Mardis Gras in New Orleans!

After an unforgettable week in Key West, we started the journey back towards Austin.
We followed Herb and Gayle home to Singer Island where they put up with us for one more night (thanks!!!).  The following day, we drove all the way to Pensacola with a quick detour by Michelle and Sean's (hey Kyle!) to gather some of my clothes that Angie had mysteriously hidden in a closet...

We'd heard that there'd be some familiar faces in New Orleans for Mardis Gras so naturally we went there!

Welcome to New Orleans!
Pensacola is only about 3 hours from New Orleans but it took us an additional 1.5 hours to drive the last 5 miles to our destination: Marshall and Jenny's house!

Where we found Stephen and Lauren from Austin!
"The parade is that way!"

That's Marshall and Jenny's gorgeous house in the background.

M & J's house was just a block from the "Thoth" parade route, down Magazine Street.
Many of the parade floats had an Egyptian theme because apparently, Thoth is an Egyptian deity.

But the marching bands were 100% New Orleans!
Note the balcony in the background because Mardis Gras is all about safety...

That's Thoth, a man's body with a bird's (ibis) head.

"Throw us some beads!"  Check out Angie's weird 8-fingered hand.

Stephen's sister, Nicole, got an awesome string of fleur de lis beads with sort of a feather boa thing built in.

Angie, not to be outdone, scored these one-of-a-kind Mardi Gras colored, disco ball, death-star, big as christmas decorations beads!

I love this band bus...

I have no idea who this person is but you have to admire her style.  If you look closely the hat has bear ears on top and the ear muffs become mittens at the bottom. Sweet.

 Women parading in old fashioned undergarments, can't beat that!
The balcony is still up too!

Back at the ranch a party was raging.


Lauren and Angie celebrating their good bead fortune...

The smart parade/party goers left their cars home and biked over.

Our hosts, Jenny and Marshall.
Apologies for the grainy phone photo.  Shortly after the previous photo, our camera went MIA.  It was found the next day and returned to us in Austin via Lauren and Stephen, a Mardi Gras miracle!

A big thanks to Marshall and Jenny for having us, it was a great time!
Happy 40th Marshall!

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